Mold Removal in St. Louis

Have you attempted to handle the mold in your home yourself? You may have noticed that even if you clean it thoroughly, it rapidly reappears.Mold removal is a specialized activity that requires training and special equipment to handle permanently.The unique Rapid Dry process ensures that your family and home are free from the impact of mold.

Mold assessment

When assessing mold in a home, it is vital that the technician looks beyond the immediate appearance of mold to isolate the source of the mold problem. Unless the source is isolated, mold will continue to grow, even if temporarily removed.Rapid Dry technicians are experts in water dry outs, water damage mitigation, and mold removal. Each is specialist trained with the professional tools and techniques to achieve complete mold removal.When a Rapid Dry mold technician assesses your home for mold, they will provide you with an estimate and quote to handle any mold in your home completely, now and into the future – ensuring your family’s future safety and protecting your valuable home.

Mold removal and prevention

Using state-of-the-art processes and equipment, our technicians will remove the mold from your home or commercial property. They will then take the additional steps required to ensure that the mold problem is permanently addressed.Rapid Dry is a company with decades of construction experience. As needed, we will perform any repair and restoration as part of this process, bringing your home back to the standard that you deserve.As a homeowner, your home is your most valuable asset. Not only is your home a financial investment, but it is also a safe haven for your family. The last thing you would want for your family is illness and allergies as a result of a chronic mold infestation.As fellow St. Louis homeowners, we at Rapid Dry understand the importance of maintaining your home as a safe and healthy environment. We take pride in achieving this for our clients through our scientific mold removal methods. Call us today for an estimate.


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